Common discomforts during pregnancy 

When you are pregnant, your body is affected in different ways. This may give rise to different discomforts, which will usually disappear after you give birth. This text covers some of the most common discomforts.

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Nausea is common 

Many people have what is called morning sickness, which means they feel nauseous during pregnancy. Some vomit. 

You may be very tired

Fatigue is common during pregnancy.

This fatigue may be due to anaemia, which is when you do not have enough healthy red blood cells. Your midwife will therefore check your blood count when you visit the midwifery clinic. You may need to take iron tablets if your blood count is too low. 

You may have stomach pain 

Your stomach may hurt for various reasons. The uterus is growing and the baby is moving. You may also be having Braxton Hicks contractions. 

You may have pelvic and back pain 

The ligaments in your body relax and stretch during pregnancy, which can put a strain on your joints. You may feel pain in your pelvic area and in your lower back. 

You may catch a cold more easily 

During pregnancy, your immune system becomes weaker. This may make it easier for you to catch a cold. 

Your breasts may feel tender 

Breasts grow early in pregnancy as they prepare to produce milk.  

This may make your breasts feel sore and taut throughout your pregnancy. 

Vaginal discharge 

It is common to have more discharge when you are pregnant. Discharge is a fluid that comes out of your vagina. 

You may have trouble sleeping 

It is common to have trouble sleeping during pregnancy. For example, it may be hard to find a comfortable position in bed. Some people need to get up frequently to pee. 

Leg cramps 

Some people may wake up with cramps in their legs. This can cause a lot of pain for a short time. It is not a serious problem. 

Standing up may help. You can also try massaging the muscle. 

You may get a stuffy nose and nosebleeds 

You have more fluid in your body during pregnancy. This makes your mucous membranes swollen, and may make it easier to bleed.  

For example, you may get a nosebleed. A stuffy nose is also a common discomfort. 

Sleep with your head elevated 

Try sleeping with your head elevated if you have a stuffy nose. 

You can also try using saline in your nose. This is available at any pharmacy. 

Avoid using non-prescription nose drops for more than ten days. 

Your legs and feet may become swollen 

Legs and feet often become swollen during late pregnancy. Compression socks may help ease this.  

Also try to keep your legs elevated. 

Changes to your skin 

Some people develop stretch marks, which look like little lines in the skin. They do not go away, but they may fade after pregnancy. 

You may feel sad 

Pregnancy may affect your mood. Some people get sad more easily than usual or feel sad all the time. 

Talk to a midwife about how you are feeling. 

You may feel dizzy 

In early pregnancy, your blood pressure may drop. You may then feel dizzy. 

Later in your pregnancy, your blood pressure will usually be back to normal. 

Your midwife will check your blood pressure regularly. 


Constipation is common during pregnancy. This is because your intestines are working more slowly. Remember to drink water and keep active. 

Examples of other common discomforts 

Here are some additional discomforts that are common during pregnancy: 

  • back pain 
  • varicose veins 
  • haemorrhoids 
  • heartburn 
  • heart palpitations 
  • shortness of breath
  • urinary tract infection

When and where should I seek medical care?  

If you are worried or have questions, you can contact a midwifery clinic.  

If you need urgent care 

If you have a lot of stomach pain, contact a healthcare provider immediately.

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It is common to feel nauseous and vomit when you are pregnant. Many people call this morning sickness. Although unpleasant, it is not harmful to you or your baby. There are some things you can do to feel better.
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